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If you have decided to pursue a career in law enforcement and become a police officer, you need to know a couple of crucial facts before you start the process:
First… When it comes to p ing the Police Written Exam, nobody cares what kind of grades you got in High School or College—and nobody cares if you made the Dean’s List or graduated with honors. It doesn’t matter!
Second… If you’re not 100% ready to absolutely “ACE” your police oral interview…or if you’re thinking that just p ing is enough to get you hired…you are COMPLETELY misinformed.. PERIOD!
How do I know that? Because the cold hard fact is that only 30% of all candidates will p and only 5% of those people get offered a position…
That means you’re going into the exam with the odds stacked against you before you even show up! It also means that even “good” students flunk the exam all the time.
Look, nobody wants to fail the exam because it’s a fact if you p the police exam and score high on the oral board interview… you’re all but hired. But fail…or p with just a meager score…and you’re off to break the bad news to your friends and family members and everything you’ve done up to this point is wasted.
You don’t want this. And, you don’t have to go through it, if you prepare properly for the exam. After all, it only makes sense to take advantage of the best preparation possible. That’s where I come in…
So when it comes to knowing police work AND the best coaching methods available to help you land a career in law enforcement, I got you covered.
Using the exact same secrets you’ll find in P the Police Exam, I took two police exams from two different departments in two different states.
"The Best Thing About This Program Is If You Follow It, You Will P The Exam, Period!"
"I’m a law student entering my 3rd year who is considering a career in law enforcement. Unfortunately, I went to law school because at the time everyone who went to law school was virtually guaranteed a high paying job at a large law firm. But now with the economy in shambles, there is no guarantee of anything. Therefore I am keeping my options open. I read the police exam study guide, and I cannot put into words how grateful I am to Officer Forestal for sharing his experience, knowledge, and understanding of how to p the police test. The course is so well explained and easy to follow. The best thing about this program is if you follow it, you will p the exam, period! Also Officer Forestal shares his system on how to come up with the right answer even if you haven’t the slightest idea. I’m so glad that you revealed this process step-by-step. The attention to detail in this program alone will give you a boost in confidence. I can’t say enough good things about this program"
"Not Only Does P The Police Exam Explain What To Do, It Explains How To Do It.!"
"E.L.Forestal’s "P The Police Exam" is an excellent police hiring process self-study course. After reading the ebook I was completely blown away. This is the most comprehensive Police Exam preparation course that I have ever seen. You can tell that E.L. did his homework, putting together a top-notch product that will help applicants post a high score… period. As a retired police officer with more than 20 years of law enforcement experience, I’ve seen a lot of applicants come and go. Many were good candidates who would have made good cops, but because they lacked the proper preparation for their exams or interviews never made it onto the job. You won’t have this problem with "P The Police Exam". E.L. does an awesome job spending extra time on the most common mistakes that stifle many applicants such as the "memory recall test, directional map reading, oral board interview and the police physical exam." Not only does P The Police Exam explain what to do, it explains how to do it. The entire process is broken down step-by-step, and E.L. coaches you through it all, making it practically impossible for you to fail." I think you will find this program to be just what you need to p your exams!"
John Marx-(RET) 23 Year Experience In Law Enforcement Crisis Negotiations & Mediation Expert Founder Of The Law Enforcement Survival Ins ute
There is something you must do before you get the chance to take the written exam and oral board interview…
“What do… Read more…
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