E-book about Algae

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E-book about Algae
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Some algae may form s on ponds, but by reading this e-book, you will learn that algae are probably the most important living things on earth.

Algae have the potential to help humanity deal with the twin crises of depleting oil supplies and global warming. You can learn how in this e-book.

The 31-page e-book comes with over 60 illustrations that bring the text to life, and deepen your understanding.

Although the book will be fascinating for s, children younger than twelve will be able to understand all of the material.

The story of the first algae is an amazing tale of death and resurrection. Algae didn’t only create the oxygen we all breathe, by doing so, they almost destroyed all life on Earth.

Algae are our greatest allies in the fight against global warming because algae use Carbon Dioxide to grow. When algae die, the Carbon can sink to the bottom of the sea reversing some of the effects of human pollution.

Algae may be the most important living things on the planet, but human beings are just now learning how to farm them on a large scale. Once we can create farms of algae, algae could replace petroleum as a source of liquid fuel, enabling us to heat our homes, and power our cars while at the same time starting to heal the planet.

Professor Joseph Seckback, an expert in algae at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem calls it a "masterpiece."

Dr. Roger Kiepfer says, "I never realized how amazingly interesting algae are. This is a GREAT book."

Once you’ve ordered your book, you will be given access to a link which will allow you download your *.pdf file immediately.

You can print as many copies as you want. (If you’re a teacher, you can print copies for every student in your cl .) If you would like to convert the PDF file to a Word do ent for easier printing, please do so. Or for those that like spreadsheets, feel free to convert PDF to Excel files. Read more…

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