Easy Game Tester Cash

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Easy Game Tester Cash
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Dear friend, If you love playing video games, then this might be the most important letter youll ever read in your life!

Youll discover how a secret group of people are consistently making huge amounts of money, just by playing the latest video games!

But more importantly, I’m going to show you how YOU can also be part of the select group of insiders.

Now, imagine what your life would be if you never have to work in a boring 9-5 job that is no fun and doesnt give you satisfaction What if I could show you a way where you can play games all day, and still make more money than most of your friends?

And it doesnt even matter if you prefer to play on PC, Xbox, or even PlayStation…

You can choose to play the latest FPS games, or MMORPGs, and even strategy games (It really doesnt matter…)

Because this secret method I’m about to share with you… works for any type of games, in any genre, on any console!

You can get the exclusive opportunity to play the latest blockbuster games, even before its officially released to the public!

Now, I know that this might seem a little too good to be true And I’m sure that some gamers would kill to get this opportunity!

In fact, spend the next few minutes and read every word of this letter, and I’ll show you the most interesting "money making opportunity" youve ever come across in your entire life!

Now, I dont really like to use the term "make money opportunity", because you know your life is worth much more than just money, isnt it?

My name is Jay Walker… and for the most part of my life, Ive always been an accountant.

Youre expected to work MASSIVE overtime (usually without pay) almost every single day… (and somehow, work never seemed to end, no matter how hard you might try…)

And even though I slept only 2 hours at night, the pile of work just never seem to be shrinking…

To make matters worse, the work I did was boring as hell! Itll get so bad that the minutes would feel like hours, hours felt like days

To put it short, two words JOB SECURITY (or so I thought, but more on that in awhile) You’ve probably heard someone say this phrase before… "If you want to live a secure life, you must study hard, and become a doctor, lawyer, or accountant" Well, I wasnt smart enough to qualify for medicine school, and I d debating. So the only obvious choice was to become an accountant.

That Ive been extremely loyal to, that Ive stuck with it since I graduated from college…

Those companies can easily hire a foreigner whos willing to do my job for half my salary. Initially, I thought that I could just apply for another position at a different company… Since accounting was a "secure" job that’s always in demand.

And it seems like in today’s economy, where you’re easily replaceable by some third-world dude, there is NO SUCH THING as job security! I was extremely tired and frustrated by my lack of progress. Even though I sent out more resumes that I can remember, I’ve never received a positive response. (And most of the time, I never received a reply at all! Leaving me hanging and waiting in suspense…)

That was the moment of realization that I needed, a moment of clarity and enlightenment.

I asked myself What do I really want to do for the rest of my life? What is the one thing that I know I would really enjoy doing… even if I’m not paid to do it?

I could still remember… Whenever work wasn’t so hectic (not very often…) I would always rush back home after knocking off from work, and I’d excitedly unwrap all the games that I’ve bought but never had the chance to play… And I’ll indulge myself for the next few hours…

I realized that I had an undying p ion for playing video games! But there’s no way I can make a living by playing video games… or can I?

Imagine leaving a well-paying position I had all my life and starting on a job I had no experience in… Honestly, I was terrified because had no idea what I’ve gotten myself into… Yet at the same time, I felt really excited for what’s in store for me!

My first day of work was a total culture shock for me! It just didn’t fit my impression of "working" Don’t get me wrong… We’re all working really hard…

But it just didn’t really seem like work at all… (they were all having so much fun!)

In fact, those were the most enjoyable 3… Read more…

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